Bendick, Jeanne.
Science Experiences in Ecology.
Franklin Watts, New York, 1975.
An easy to read book which explores the web of life and cycles in nature.
Blough, Glenn O.
Discovering Cycles.
McGraw Hill Book Co., U.S.A., 1973.
This book explores the cycles observable in nature.
Brennan, Matthew J.
The Environment and You
. Grosset and Dunlap, New York, 1973.
A middle-level book which explores the meaning of environment, pollution, and the effect man has on his environment.
Carson, Rachel.
The Sense of Wonder
. Harper and Row, New York, 1965.
A book to inspire adults and children to maintain and encourage a sense of wonder about the environment. Photographs, largely black and white, are an important part of the format.
Gates, Richard.
. Children’s Press, Chicago, 1959.
An easy-to-read book designed to introduce low level readers to the concepts of ecology and conservation.
Greene, Carla.
Our Living Earth
. Bobbs-Merrill Co., U.S.A., 1974.
A good book on history of our earth in simplified form. Deals with pollution and things you can do.
Hoke, John.
. Franklin Watts, New York, 1972.
A good beginning book for working with terrariums.
Hungerford, Harold R., PhD.
Ecology—The Circle of Life
. Childrens Press, Chicago, 1971.
A good book for exploring the basic concepts of ecology.
Miles, Betty.
Save The Earth! An Ecology Handbook for Kids
. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1974.
Ecology text presented in a very interesting format for students. Short selections feature poems, illustrations, photographs and lots of group or individual projects.
Van Soelen, Philip.
A Cricket in the Grass
. Sierra Club Books/Charles Scribner’s Sons, U.S.A., 1979
Five interconnected visual stories (almost no reading involved) depicting life and death in a watershed comprising five neighboring ecosystems. Excellent illustration of foodchains and cycling in nature.