Batten, Mary.
The Tropical Forest
. Thomas Y. Crowell Co, New York, 1973.
This book, based on the author’s association with scientists at the Smithsonian Institution’s Tropical Research Institute in Panama, tells a great deal about the interrelation between animals and plants in a tropical rain forest.
Bennett, Charles.
Man and Earth’s Ecosystems
. John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1975.
This book is an excellent reference for fundamentals of ecology and geography, and the effects man has had on the ecosystems of the world, discussed by region.
Black, Hallie.
Dirt Cheap
. William Morrow and Company, New York, 1979.
A look at the concept of “web of life” and its involvement with renewable resources: air, soil, water and fuel. A look at what’s happening now and what could be done.
Buchsbaum, Ralph and Mildred.
. Boxwood Press, Pennsylvania, 1957.
A basic text for understanding ecology.
Gore, Al.
Earth in the Balance
. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1992.
A Senator’s view of the ecological devastation of the earth which causes great concern and his call for immediate actions to save the earth from catastrophe.
Hahn, James and Lynn.
Recycling: Reusing Our
World’s Solid Wastes Franklin Watts, U.S.A.
, 1973.
This book looks at why we need recycling, explains what it means, and gives examples for re-using wastes.
Helfman, Elizabeth S.
Our Fragile Earth
. Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Co., New York, 1972.
A good basic book, simply written, which looks at the earth, at soil in particular, at how farmers work the earth, and at what man has done that destroyed the land.
Herbst, Robert L.
. Dillon Press,Inc. Minnesota, 1974.
This book presents an overview of jobs in the environmental field.
Oates, John.
Web of Life
. The Danbury Press, U.S.A., 1975.
This book gives an overview of ecology, including food chains, matter and energy, ecosystem, etc. Beautifully illustrated with photographs, drawings and charts.
Pringle, Laurence.
Ecology, Science of Survival
. The Macmillan Company, U.S.A., 1971.
A solid, easily understood ecology text. Good explanations of patterns and cycles in nature.
Russell, Helen Ross.
Earth, The Great Recycler
. Thomas Nelson, Inc., U.S.A., 1974.
Basic text explaining physical, chemical and biological science concepts in ecology.