*Bali, Esther.
Taroh Folktales
. Ibadan, Spectrum Books Ltd.,1990. A collection of short tales from the Taroh people of Nigeria. Some common characters are the trickster Hare, the hyena, the tortoise and the leopard.
Berry, Jack.
West African Folktales
, Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1961. Over 120 folktales mainly from Ghana, Nigeria, and Yorubaland. Contains many spider stories as well as animal tales and dilemma stories.
Courlander, Harould.
A treasury of African Folklore
, New York: Crown Pub.Co.,1975 The oral literature, traditions, myths, legends, epics, tales, recollections, wisdom, sayings, and humor of Africa. Contains much information on the Yoruba and the Ashanti.
*d’Azevedo,Warren L. T
he Traditional Artist in African Societies
. Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1973. Based on a collection of papers presented at a conference in 1965, some of the commentaries are on the role of the artist in such societies as Yoruba, Ashanti, and Akan.
Fagg, William.
African Tribal Images
. The Cleveland Art Museum, 1968. Highlights artwork from the Cleveland Art Museum.
+Feldman, Susan, ed.
African Myths and Tales
, New York: Dell Pub. Co., 1963. Filled with over one hundred folktales from all of Africa. Tales are divided into categories such as Myths, Tales, Stories and moral tales. Includes a whole chapter of explanatory tales.
Hornburger, Jane M., and Whitney, Alex.
African Countries and Cultures
. New York: David Mckay Co, Inc., 198 1. An illustrated dictionary. Very helpful when gathering background information on a particular cultural group.
*Kibulya, H.M.
Folk Tales from bwamba Uganda
. Kampala, East African Literature Bureau, 1976. A collection of short original tales of the bamba people of Uganda. Stories are filled with many strange and evil spirits, birds, and beasts.
Lester, Julius.
Black Folktales
. New York, 1969. African and African American Folktales.
Naylor, Penelope.
Black Imaiies, The Art of West Africa
, Garden City, Doubleday & Company, Inc., Interesting book which explains the relationship between the sculpture of Africa and the cultural beliefs. Filled with examples.
* Parenger, Geoffrey. African Mythology. London, The Hamlyn Publishing Group Ltd. 1967 A very informative book containing myths, legends, folktales and other stories of Africa. Filled with artwork to illustrate the narrative. Gives historical and geographical information on many areas of the continent.
Price, Christine.
Made in West Africa
. New York, E.P. Dutton & Co.,1975 Many different art forms of west Africa are featured in this book. Full of photographs of artworks and people creating them today. The book is organized by craft.
Radin, Paul, introduction by.
African Folktales and Sculpture
, New York: Bollinger Foundation, 1952. This large book is divided into two parts: one containing folktales of creation, animals and man’s fate in the world, and the other is filled with photographs of African sculpture and masks. The book does not attempt to draw any correlation between the two.
Segy, Ladislas.
African Sculpture Speaks
. New York: Hill and Wang, 1969 A beautiful book filled with photos of African sculpture. This book gives much detail about the sculpture and where the ideas that inspired them came from.
Thompson, Robert Fariis.
African Art in Motion
. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1974. This beautiful book covers many cultures and their use of dance which includes the study of masks and other icons in rituals and ceremonies. Much study of the Yoruba culture.
*Tutuola, Amos.
Yoruba Folktales
, Ibadan, Ibadan University Press, 1 986. A small collection of tales from Yoruba with pen and ink illustrations. Appropriate for reading to students.
Willet, Frank.
African Art
. New York: Praeger Pub. Co.,1975. An extensive study of all African arts. Very informative, covers the history of African art.
Winther, Barbara.
Plays From African Tales
. Boston: Plays Inc.,1992. This book offers many one act royalty-free plays for students to use and dramatize African folktales.
Borrowed from The Council on African Studies, Yale University.