Abrahams, Roger D.
African Folktales
. New York. Pantheon Books. 1983.
An excellent source of stories and background information on the purpose of the tale in African Society.
Bascom, William.
African Folktales in the New World
. Bloomington. Indiana University Press. 1992.
A discourse on the African origins of African American tales.
Bettelheim, Bruno.
The Uses of Enchantment
. New York. Vintage Press. 1991.
A discussion of the psychological effects of fairy tales on young children as well as a few practical approaches to working with fairy tales and young children.
Emmanuel, Charles H. et.al.
Legends and Myths
. St. Thomas. Project Introspection, Government of the Virgin Islands. 1975.
An educator t approach to teaching the Legends and Myths of the Caribbean to children in the Virgin Islands.
Muschla, Gary R.
The Writing Teacher’s Book of Lists
. New Jersey. Prentice Hall. 1991.
A practical approach to teaching writing using a literature-based curriculum.
Opie, I. and P.
The Classic Fairy Tales
. New York. Oxford University Press. 1980.
An excellent story book containing vast comparisons of similar stories across Europe.
Yolen, Jane.
Favorite Folktales From Around the World
. New York. Pantheon. 1986.
An excellent source of familiar story variants from around the world.
Zipes, Jack.
Spells of Enchantment: Wondrous Fairy Tales of Western Culture
. New York. 1991.
A great source of unfamiliar tale variations in the Western World.