Cynthia H. Roberts
Ethnic groups have often faced unnecessary problems because of their unique cultural backgrounds. With the growing focus on pride of heritage, it becomes increasingly more difficult to find one’s position in the Melting Pot of America.
As people and Nations become more secure, they are better able to appreciate and accept the diversity of their heritage with increased exposed to differences, we also learn about our similarities; our cultural differences are the highlights.
It is necessary to strengthen students appreciation of individual differences. This enables them to value differences rather than view them as something to make fun of, as students frequently do.
The best way to understand others is to step into their shoes. Learning is more effective when the student has lived it, felt it, and experienced it.
This Unit was written for Special Education students in grades 9-12th, who are not easily motivated and who reading levels are below grade level. I am always in search of new ideals to use with them. In writing this Unit, it is my wish that it will interest and motivate them as well as stimulate them in what they are learning.
In this Unit, I want to celebrate Multiculturism by honoring the diversity of students while bridging the cultures of our broader society. I feel the need to help students become familiar with other cultures (within their own nation and in other nations) and to relate these other cultures to their own.
In this Unit, students will study, discuss, explore, reflect, debate, write, create and expand their knowledge about themselves and the world around them.
This unit is a continuation of a previous unit I wrote called “A Multicultural Look at the Art and Culture in Today’s Society.”
I want to provide students with a Multicultural Curriculum which focuses on the various Cultural groups within our Society and world.
A goal of this Unit is to expose the students to similarities and differences of two cultures, which include: Greek and Israeli. Three areas will be given special attention: Artwork, cooking/foods, and an Introduction to each cultural group/recreational activities for each.
As we know it, America is made up of people with various ethnic backgrounds, religious beliefs and Cultural identities. Even though obvious superficial differences exist. All American citizens share important common bonds. This Unit will help students realize that America’s greatest resource is its unique blend of people.
In this unit, students will gain and understanding and appreciation of other cultures besides their own. Also understand how each culture has its own tradition.
The overall focus is to help students appreciate and understand a Multicultural look at the cultures of a growing society. Also, to encourage students to detect cultural patterns as a way of identifying commonalities and to appreciate human diversity.
This unit will offer students the strength of diversity, the values that allows diversity to flourish, the history and literature that have shaped our country and our world. Students will also be provided with “Hands on activities”. I will utilize both the cognitive and affective domains to help internalize the similarities and differences.
The Cognitive Components of this unit are designed to increase the student’s ability to conceptualize and generalize about ethnically related events and to collect and evaluate data related to race and ethnicity...The Affective Component is designed to help students analyze and clarify their attitudes and feeling related to racial and ethnic groups and to reduce racial and ethnic prejudices.
My goal is to build student’s awareness: (1) of ethnicity as one source of diversity within our nation society; (2) of the contribution of that diversity, as well as why it is a source of tension and dissension; and (3) of sense of identity and personal pride that many can and do derive from their sense of ethnic identity.
This unit is designed to be used over a ten to twelve week period. Students will be encouraged to examine the similarities and differences of each culture. Individual, groupwork, class discussions and guest speakers will be presented.
The primary goals and objectives of the unit are the following:
1.] Emphasize the importance of the society.
2.] Create Unity.
3.] Analyze role of popular individuals for cultural groups.
4.] Expose students to Similarities and differences.
5.] Compare the development of ethnic neighborhoods among diverse cultural groups.
6.] Encourage students to detect cultural patterns as a way of indentifying commonalities.
7.] To understand the values, customs and beliefs.
8.] To list Cultural Traits.