Learning the Skills of Peacemaking: An Activity Guide for Elementary Age Children on Communication, Cooperation and Resolving Conflict, A paperback with about 56 lessons, available from Childswork/Childs play*for about $17. 00.
Paley, Vivian Gussin. You Cant Say You Cant Play, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Ma. , 1992. An account of an inclusion experiment in a kindergarten that includes story telling and interviews with other grade school students on rejection issues as the basis for conflict and low self-esteem.
Phalen, Thomas W. , 1-2-3 Magic, A parent-training video and book that explains proper techniques of time-out with clear and simple directions. Child Management, Inc. 800 Roosevelt Rd. , Glen Ellyn, IL. 60137. Costs about $48. 00.
Peacemaking Skills for Little Kids, A complete kit with puppet, cassette, posters, activities, and guide for kids preschool to grade 2. Available through Childswork/Childsplay for about $60. 00.
Project Charlie: Chemical Abuse Resolution Lies in Education, Storefront Youth Action, 4570 W. 77th St. , Edina, MN. , 1987.
Stop, Relax and Think: A game to Help Impulsive Children, A critical foundation skill for problem-solving is developed in a game format. For ages 6-12, available from Childswork/Childsplay for about$40. 00.
Childswork/Childsplay Catalog: Center for Applied Psychology, Inc. P. O. 61586, King of Prussia, PA. This catalog is devoted to the mental health needs of children and their families. For a catalog or to order, call 1-800-962-1141.