Students who participate in this unit will:
1. Describe a variety of physical and social problems that occur daily in school, home and community.
2. Develop some ideas why rules and laws are made in school, home and community.
3. Participate in decisions about rules and laws. 4. Learn that angry feelings and conflicts exist for everyone.
5. Learn how to handle anger using the five step plan.
6. Use plan spontaneously to solve problems.
7. Discuss how violence hurts people.
I plan on teaching this unit for six to ten weeks as an extension of the “Project Charlie” lessons 15-17, which deal with angry feelings. However, (an experimental) the component on fair rules will probably extend this time frame as it becomes a permanent classroom rule.
I feel this curriculum would be most appropriate for early primary grades like first or second grade. It can easily be adapted to third and fourth grades and all primary special education classes could utilize it.