Kopp, Sheldon, If you meet the Buddha on the Road. Kill Him, The Pilgrimage of Psychotherapy Patients, Bantam Book, 1981. A fresh, realistic approach to altering one’s destiny and accepting the responsibility that grows with freedom. “A grownup can be no man’s disciple”.
Phillips, Steven, No Heroes. No Villains The Story of a Murder Trial, Vintage Book, 1989. A novel that deals with a fine and simple explanation of the process of criminal law and its practice.
Siegel, Larry J., Joseph J Senna, Juvenile Delinquency. Theory, Practice, and Law, 3rd edition, West Publishing Co., 1988. An excellent text of theory, practice and law that presents the diverse views and perspectives of juvenile delinquency.
Skolnick, Jerome H., and Elliott Currie, Crisis In American Institutions. 3rd edition, Little, Brown and Company, 1976. A balance and analysis of American institutions. Elaborating on the environment, workplace, and welfare, including social services as child care, housing, and problems of the aged.