Please record Yes or No responses to each of the following questions.
1. Do your principal, teachers and other staff members use language that is free from racial, ethnic, and sexual slurs at all times?
2. Does your school have a policy that explicitly condemns racially, sexually, and ethnically biased behavior?
3. Does your school routinely collect achievement data by race, gender, and ethnicity?
4. Does the planning for all school events awards, and programs reflect the diversity of people in the school by race, gender, and ethnicity?
5. Do all students and staff understand the meaning of the term culture?
6. Does your school have a plan for improving intergroup relations?
7. Have you thought about your own gender, racial, ethnic and social class identity and the various ways in which you are similar to, yet different from, the demographic groups to which you belong?
8. Have you thought about how your own gender, race, ethnicity and social class have influenced your learning?
9. Do you honestly believe that you are capable of succeeding, regardless of your racial or ethnic group, and gender?
10. Are you honestly willing to change your behavior from ways that are comfortable to you, to ways that may be more helpful to people who are different from you?
Record ten points for each yes answer that you have recorded. Then calculate your score. 90-100 is excellent, 89-80 is good, 79-70 is fair. Your school has many of the components that contribute to a positive pluralistic culture. Recognize your success and identity those areas that still need work. Its likely that you need better coordination and institutionalization of your efforts. If your score is lower than 70, you have a great deal of work to do. Give yourself some time for introspection. You may find that its easier to talk this over with someone whose background is similar to yours first. Without meaning to harm others, you may be unconsciously perpetuating some culturally biased behaviors.