Courtney, William.
What Does A Barometer Do?
Little, Brown and Company, Boston, 1963.
The author explains what a barometer is and how it functions in terms of meteorology.
Gibbons, Gail.
Weather Forecasting
. MacMilliam Publishing Company, 1987.
Describes forecasters at work in a weather station as they use sophisticated equipment to track weather.
Kaufman, John.
Winds and Weather
. Morrow Junior Books, New York, 1971.
The author investigates the relationship between weather patterns, the flow of winds and shows the reader how he can predict the weather to come.
Kerrod, Robin.
The world of Weather
. Derrydale Books, New York, 1991.
The book discusses all types of concepts associated with weather.
Knight, David.
The Science Book of Meteorology
. Franklin Watts, Inc., 1964.
Discusses the science of meteorology from weather conditions and concepts to instruments used to forecast and detect weather.
Lehr, Paul.
Weather: A Guide to Phenomena and Forecast
. Golden Press, New York, 1964.
This is one of the books from the Golden Nature Guide Series and is an excellent source book for students and teachers studying weather.
Milgrom, Harry.
Understanding Weather
. The MacMillian Company, 1970.
The author discusses a variety of concepts associated with weather.
Rogers, Daniel.
More Science Projects: Weather
. Marshall Cavendis Corporation, New York, 1989.
The author combines theory and experiments to explore the world of weather. Stambler, Irvin.
Weather Instruments: How They Work
. G.P. Putnam’s Sons, New York, 1968.
The author discusses all instruments used by meteorologist to forecast weather and discusses in full detail how they work.