Cleo M. Coppa
Lesson Plans 1-2
Each student will read one chapter from the unabridged version of
The Wizard of Oz
and present a brief synopsis of their chapter.
Content Outline:
Chapters 1- 24 , a set of questions to guide students(the questions are found in the unit)
1. Assign each student a chapter in Baum’s novel.
2. Give to each student a set of questions they must be sure to answer in their presentation. Inform students that they can present additional information if they wish.
In order to cover all 24 chapters it will take 2 lessons.
Lesson Plan 3
Students will write a screenplay for their video version of the ‘Wizard of Oz”.
Content Outline:
The Wizard of Oz
: The Screenplay”, “The Scrapbook of Oz”, “The Annotated Wizard of Oz’, ‘The Wizard of Oz”(unabridged version)
1. First discuss what a screenplay is and what it includes besides an actor’s lines.
2. Explain to students that they will be writing a screenplay of the ‘Wizard of Oz’, their own version.
4. Explain to students that MGM which created the film assigned several screenwriters to write the “Oz’ screenplay and chose the version that they liked best. Tell students we are going to do the same.