Kevin S. Miller
To introduce the students to the writing process and develop story starters.
Maggie’s American Dream by James P. Comer, M.D., cassette tape of mellow music.
1. Read the chapter in Maggie s American Dream intitled “The Bad Father”
2. Discuss it with the students.
3. Ask the students to close their eyes and think of a wonderful place. A place where there is no crime, drugs, or violence. A place where they can be free and their family want have to worry about anything. Continue with this story of this magical place until the children are relax. Then ask the students to let the writer inside of them come out
4. Start to play the music very softly.
5. Ask the students to open their eyes take out a piece of paper and a pencil and began to write. Remind them to write down anything that comes to their minds. If they get stuck, tell them to write the last word the wrote over and over until new ideas that they can write come out.
6. At the end of this writing session ask for any volunteers who would like to share their work with the group
7 Mini Author’s Chair
Ask the students to write about the most important event in there lives