Lewin, Hugh.
. Carolrhonda Books, Inc. 1983
Lewin, Hugh.
Jafta’s Mother
. Carolrhonda Books, Inc. 1983
Little, Lessie Jones.
Children of Long Ago
. Philomel Books. 1988
Little, Lessie Jones.
I Can Do it Myself
. Thomas Y. Crowell. 1978
Marie, D.
Tears for Ashan
. Creative Press Works. 1988
*Mathis, Sharon Bell.
Hundred Penny Box, The
. Scholastie 1975
*Mendez, Phil.
The Black Snowman
. Scholastic. 1989
*Myers, Walter Dean.
Me, Mop, and the Moondance Kid
. Dell Yearling 1988
*SanSouc i, Robert D.
The Boy and the Ghost
. Simon &Schuster 1989
*Steptoe, John.
. Holt Rinehart & Co. 1972
*Steptoe, John.
Daddy is a Monster. . .Sometimes
. J.B. Lippincott. 1980
*Steptoe, John.
. Harper & Row. 1969
*Strickland, Dorothy (ed).
Listen Children
. Bantam Books 1982, 1986
*Sullivan, Charles (ed).
Children of Promise
. Harry N. Abrams, Inc. 1991
*Taylor, Mildrid D.
Friendship, The
. Bantam Skylark 1987, l989
*Taylor, Mildrid D. G
old Cadillac, The
. Bantam Skylark 1987, 1982
*Wagner, Jane. J.T. Bantam Doubleday. 1969
*Walter, Midred Pitts.
Justin & the Best Biscuits in the World
. Alfred A. Knopf. 1986
*Walter, Mildred Pitts.
Have a Happy
. . . Avon Camelot 1989
*These books have positive male characters.