Archer, Jules,
You Can’t Do That to Me:
McMillan Publishing Co, Inc, New York 1980.
This book provides information on famous fights for human rights.
Acheson, Patricia C.
Our Federal Government: How it Works
Dodd Mead & Company, New York, 1960.
This is an introduction to the United States Government.
Belinda, Rochelle,
Witnesses To Freedom
: Lodestar Books, New York 1993.
In this book is the story of very young people who fought for civil rights.
Commager, Henry Steele,
Crusaders for Freedom
: Doubleday & Company Inc. New York, 1962.
This is a dramatic story of some of the men and women who fought for the rights we enjoy today.
Goode, Stephen,
The New Federalism States Rights in American History
: Franklin Watts, New York, 1983.
This book examines the relationship and the relevance of federalism in the 1980’s.
Haskins, James,
The March on Washington
: Harper Collins Publishers, New York 1993.
This book contains information about the 250,000 people march on Washington demanding a change.
Laescher, Gil and Ann,
Human Rights
: E. P. Dutton, New York 1978.
This work defines human rights and how they can be protected.
Ellen, Freedom’s Children
: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York 1993.
In this book young civil rights activists tell their own stories.