Angelou, Mya,
I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings; Bantam Books, New York, 1969.
Ayres, Alex,
The Wisdom of Martin Luther King Jr.,
Penguin Books U.S.A. Inc., New York 1993. This book provides a wide range of information about civil rights.
Harris, Jacqueline, L.
History and Achievement of the NAACP
: Franklin Watts, New York, 1992. This is a history of the NAACP and some of its accomplishments.
Higgins, Nathan Irvin,
Black Americans of Achievement
: Chelsea House Publishers, New York, 1989.
Johnston, Johanna,
Together in America
: Dodd, Mead & Company, New York 1965.
Martin Luther King Jr.,
Stride Toward Freedom
: Harper & Row, New York 1958.
Massaro, Toni Marie,
Constitutional Literacy
: Duke University Press, Durham, 1993.
McCarthy, Agnes & Reddick, Lawrence, Ph.D.,
Worth Fighting For
: Doubledays & Company, Inc. City New York, 1965.
McKissack, Patricia,
Martin Luther King, Jr. A Man to Remember
: Children Press, Chicago 1984.
Thermstrom, Abigail, M.
Whose Votes Count?:
Harvard University Press, Massachusetts, 1987. In this book the author analyzes the radical transformation of the voting rights in the years since its passage.
Weiss, Nancy J.
Whitney Young, Jr., and The Struggle for Civil Rights
: Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 1989.
Whitney Young, Jr. Director of the National Urban League in this book.
Robert A. Burt,
Two Jewish Justices
, University of California Press, LosAngeles, 1988.