Beatty, John & Patricia.
Master Rosalind
New York: Wm. Morrow 7 Co. Inc. 1977 A story that takes place in Elizabethan England. A girl pretends to be a boy to join a group of actors and what happens when she is discovered.
Bill of Rights and the 14th Amendment. United States Constitution.
Greene, Bette.
Philip Hall Likes Me I Reckon Maybe
New York: Dial Press. 1974. A story about the rivalry between a boy and girl and their classwork. Is she letting him beat her?
Hancock, Lynnell & Kalb, Claudia. “ A Room of Their Own.”
June 24, 1996
Discusses several districts that are trying gender based classes, why and the results they are seeing.
Kincher, Jonni L.
Psychology for Kids II
New York: Free Spirit Publishing. 1995. A book of kid friendly psychology lessons and experiments with teacher lessons and reproducible experiment pages. It contains a wonderful section of gender perception experiments.
“Is there a gender gap?.” Teen Survey
USA Weekend
March 22Ð24, 1996. Good gender questions for teens in grades 6Ð12. The results of surveys mailed in are due in the Sept. 6Ð8, 1996 issue.
The court cases listed in the Teacher Bibliography.
Taking the Mystery out of Legal Language General Publishing Group: Los Angeles 1995
: n. unequal treatment of persons, for a reason which has nothing to do with legal rights or ability. Federal and state laws prohibit discrimination in employment, availability of housing, rates of pay, right to promotion, educational opportunity, civil rights, and use of facilities based on race, nationality, creed, color, age, sex or sexual orientation. The rights to protest discrimination or enforce one’s rights to equal treatment are provided in various federal and state laws, which allow for private lawsuits with the right to damages. There are also federal and state commissions to investigate and enforce equal rights. p. 142
gender bias
: n unequal treatment in employment opportunity (such as promotion, pay, benefits and privileges),and expectations due to attitudes based on sex of an employee or group of employees. Gender bias can be a legitimate basis for a lawsuit under anti-discrimination statutes. p. 184
civil rights
: n. those rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights , the 13th and 14th Amendments to the Constitution, including the right to due process, equal treatment under the law of all people regarding enjoyment of life, liberty, property, and protection. Positive civil rights include the right to vote, the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of a democratic society, such as equal access to public schools, recreation, transportation, public facilities, and housing, and equal and fair treatment by law enforcement and the courts. p. 87
Plessy v. Ferguson
(1896): Despite a vigorous dissent by Justice John Harlan, the court ruled that “ separate but equal” facilities for blacks were constitutional, which remained the rule until Brown v. Board of Education (1954).
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
(1954) : Chief Justice Earl Warren ruled for a unanimous court that separate educational facilities for blacks and whites are inherently unequal and equal conditions for all races must be provided with “ all deliberate speed,” overturning Plessy v, Ferguson.
Regents of the University of California v. Bakke
(1978) : The “reverse discrimination case” which found that a white applicant for a medical school which received federal funding could not be excluded due to his race ( a limited quota for whites under the school’s plan) due to the non-discrimination provisions of the non-discrimination provisions of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.