Environmental Racism and the Urban School Child
Patricia Augustine-Reaves and Pamela Augustine-Jefferson
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1. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)
A Longitudal Study
of Low-Level Exposure and Impairment of Renal Function: Narrative Aging
, Apri1 17, 1996, v275, n15, p1177-1181.
2. The New York Times,
Unexpected Dangers Found in Low Levels of
April 17, 1996, v145, pB7.
Bone Lead Levels And Delinquent Behavior
, Feb 7, 1996, v275, n5, p363-369.
4. JAMA,
Measuring Children’s Antisocial Behaviors
Feb 7, 1996, v275, n5, p403-404.
5. Parents Magazine
“It Happened To Us” Lead Poisoning Hazards.
6. Consumer Reports
How To Find Out
, July 95, v60, p469.
7. USA Today (Magazine),
Lead Poisoning: The Plague of America’s Inner
July 95, v 124, n2602, p88-89.
8. Vegetarian Times
Getting the Lead Out,
June 95, n214, p26-27.
9. American Paint & Coating Journal
NPCA Sparks Coalition to Reduce
Lead Risk in Urban Children
May 22, 1995, v79, n28, p35-38.
10. Parents Magazine,
How to Protect Your Baby from Lead Poisoning,
May 95, v70,n5, p46-48.
11. JAMA
Lead Poisonings Deaths in the United States
, 1979 through 1988, March 15, 1995, v14, n11, p847-848.
12. Journal of Products and Toxics Liability,
Lead and Litigation
Wintr 95, p1-29.
13. McCall’s
Secrets for a Healthy Home
, Jan 95, v122, n4, p54.
14. Toxic Substance Mechanism,
Lead: A Continuing Threat to Children
Jan-March 95, v14, n 1, p61-63.
15. Kozol, Jonathon.
Amazing Grace
. New York:. Crown Publishers, 1995.
16. JAMA
Childhood Lead Poisoning in 1994
, Feb 8, 1995, v 273, n6, p458-459.
17. Jet,
Milwaukee Boy harmed by Lead Gets $1.5 Million Settlement
May 23, 1994, v86, n3, p22.
18. Country Side & Small Stock Journal
Warnings about Sewage,
Sludge . . . and Well Water
Nov-Dec 93, v77, n6, p74.
19. NEA Today,
What Lead Does to Kids
Nov 93, v12, n4, p13.
20. JAMA
Lead Poisoning Associated with Use of Traditional Ethnic
Remedies—California 1991-92
, August 18, 1993, v270, n7 p808.
21. Park & Recreation,
Poison on the Range
August 93, v28, n8, p56-59.
Lead Poisoning among Low-income Children in Orange County,
California Need for Regionally Differentiated Policy
, July 7, 1993, v270, n2, p69-71.
23. ENR,
OSHA Rushes to Set New Lead Limit
, may 10, 1993. v230, n19, p7.
24. JAMA
State Activities for Prevention of Lead Poisoning among
Children-United States, 1992
, April 7, 1993, v269, n13, p1614-161 5.
25. JAMA,
Lead-Contaminated Soil Abatement and Urban Children’s
Blood Lead Levels
April 7, 1993, v269, n13, p1647-1654.
26. Boat’s Review—Property-Casualty Insurance Edition
Liability in Lead Poisoning Suits
, Feb 93, v93, n10, p62-63.
27. RN,
Lead: Still Poisoning Our Children
Feb 93, v56, n2, p28-33.
28. Public Affairs Division South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority
Lead Poisoning Is Your Family at Risk?
, 1993.