Steven F. Gray
Students will be able to identify various incarnations of stereotypical images of blacks in film and television.
Copies of Donald Bogles list of the black images of blacks in film, video of television depicting the images, response journals, dittos with questions, pens, pencils.
1. Initiate lesson by reviewing the previous day’s lesson and going over the objective of today’s lesson.
2. Pass out Bogle’s list to students. Have them read the list silently.
3. Proceed with choral reading of the list.
4. Show video.
5. Initiate class discussion revolving around reading and video.
6. Pass out questions. Have students answer questions in personal response journals.
7. Close lesson by asking for volunteers to repeat some of their answers to questions, place answers on the blackboard.
I will assess student understanding of the objective through an essay to be given at the end of the unit objectives activities.