MY FAMILY AND ME is a Genetics science unit that will answer the questions “Where did I come from?” and “How am I the same and different from my family and friends?”. In addition, this unit will reaffirm each child’s uniqueness by demonstrating that each child is special and one of a kind. This unit is intended for low functioning students with special needs, however, early primary teachers may find this information appropriate for their students. MY FAMILY AND ME is an integrated curriculum unit with hands-on lessons that span several subject areas: art, math, whole language, and science. This unit reinforces positive self-esteem and includes avenues for parental involvement.
MY FAMILY AND ME will include a section containing basic genetics information to enable the teacher to prepare and carry out the lesson plans. Sample lesson plans will be included to assist the teacher in the preparation of this unit. In addition, a reference list of appropriate children and adult level books will be included as part of this unit.