Astronomy: The Cosmic Journey
, Harmann, William and Impey, Chris. Wadsworth Publishing, Belmont, CA (Fifth Edition)
Space, Stars, Planets and Spacecraft,
Becklake, Sue. Dorling Kindersely Limited, London/New York (1991)
How the Universe Works
. Couper, Heather and Herbert, Nigel. The Reader’s Digest Association, Pleasantville, NY (1994)
Our Universe, A Guide to What’s Out There,
Stannard, Russell. LaRousse Kingfisher Chambers, Inc., New York (1995)
The Universe for the Beginner
, Moore, Patrick. University of Cambridge Press, New York (1992)
Brennar, Barbara. Bantam Books, New York (1993)
Astronomy Today: Planets Stars and Space Exploration,
Moche, Ph.D., Dinah L. Random House, New York (1982).
A Book About Planets and Stars
, Reigot, Betty Polisar. Scholastic Inc., New York (1988)
Rand McNally Discovery Atlas of Planets and Stars,
Rand McNally for Kids, USA, (1993)
Discovering the Planets,
Milton, Jacquieline. Troll Associates, New York (1991)
The Children’s Space Atlas: A Voyage of Discovery for Young Astronauts
, Kerrod, Robin. Millbrook Press, Brookfield, CT (1992)
Astronomy for Every Kid: 101 Easy Experiments That Really Work,
Van Cleave, Janice Pratt. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., US (1991)
The Day We Walked on the Moon: A Photohistory of Space Exploration
, George Sullivan. Scholastic, Inc., New York ( 1990)
Black Wings: The American Black in Aviation
, Hardesty, Von and Pisano, Dominick. Smithsonian Institute Press, Washington, DC (1983)
The Planets in Our Solar System,
Branley, Franklyn. Harper Collins, New York (1981)
The Sky Is Full of Stars
, Branley, Franklyn. Harper Collins, New York (1981)
The Constellations: How They Came To Be
, Gallant, Roy A. Four Winds Press, New York ( 1979)