The Orphan Boy, Mollel
, Tololwa M., Clarion Books, New York (1990 (Ethiopian Tolktale re: why we see Venus at certain times of the year from our planet.)
The Man Who Lit the Stars,
Clemente, Claude. Little, Brown and Company, New York (1992) (A french folktale re: comets)
The Greedy Man in The Moon
, A Chinese Folktale retold by Rick Rossiter, Riverbank Press (1994)
Native American Star Myths,
Monroe, Jean and Williamson Ray. Houghton Mifflin (1987)
The Heavenly Zoo,
Lurie, Alison. Farrar Straus Giroux ( 1979) (Emphasis on the constellations)
Follow The Drinking Gourd
, Winter, Jeanette. (A factually-based fiction work describing how the Big Dipper was used as a roadmap to freedom for African-Americans during slavery in our country.)
Postcards from the Planets,
Drew, David, Rigby, Inc., Crystal Lake, IL ( 1988)