Revolution ‘76
. 1996.
This Britannica software CD is specifically designed for Apple II GS and IBM PC. Students will become personally involved with troop deployment, finances, negotiations and government. Students will have the opportunity to rewrite history.
Caratello, John and Patty.
Revolutionary War Activity Book.
This curriculum resource presents an inter-disciplinary lesson plan approach highlighting specific, reproducible materials in math, science, social studies, art, music, writing, and life skills.
Collier, James and Charles.
My Brother Sam Is Dead.
This literature selection captures the Revolutionary spirit as the Meeker family themselve are "captured" by British troop movements in and around their homestead in Redding Ridge, just northwest of Fairfield, Connecticut.
Forbes, Esther.
Johnny Tremain.
This wonderful piece of historical fiction portrays Revolutionary Boston as a living drama perceived through the eyes of a shrewd and observant youngster.
Globe Fearon.
Exploring American History.
This supplementary text supplies numerous resource suggestions to complement the textbook "One Nation, Many People".
Globe Fearon.
One Nation, Many People
. 1995.
This curriculum textbook provides on accurate, comprehensive and succinct sequential development of historical events which delivers the framework of study for our literature-based project.
Rinaldi, Ann.
The Fifth of March
. 1993.
This delightful novel written from a female perspective focuses on the experiences of our heroine Rachel Marsh, an indentured servant for the household of John and Abigail Adams.