Carroll, Susan J.,
Women as Candidates in American Politics
: Indiana University Press, Bloomington 1950.
This book suggests the presence of increasing numbers of women in office may lead to greater representation of women’s interests in the policy making process.
Christnensen, Kathleen,
Women and Home-Based Work
: Henry Holt and Company, New York 1988.
This book tells the story of home- based work for all types of women.
Depauw, Linda,
Remember The Ladies
, Viking Press. New York, 1976.
This book tells the story of women’s situation at the time of the American Revolution.
Flexner, Eleanor,
Century of Struggle
: Beeknot, Massachusetts, 1976.
This work is based on the struggle for equality that women have had for over a century.
Mason, Mary Ann,
The Equality Trap
: Simon & Schuster, New York, 1988.
This book draws in both social and legal history and it explains the move away from women’s rights to equal rights.
Matthaei, Julie A.,
An Economic History of Women in America
: Schockin Books, New York, 1982.
This volume examines women’s role in labor within the broad sweep of American economic history from colonial times.
Oneill, William,
Everyone Was Brave
, Quadrangle Books, Chicago 1969.
The bravery of the women in this work was extraordinary. They stood for what they believed in.
Evans, Sara M.,
Born For Liberty
, Collier The Three Press, New York, 1989.
This book brings to center stage the richness and diversity of women’s lives.
Suggested Reading List and Bibliography for Students
Boynick, David K.,
Women who led the Way, Eight Pioneers for Equal Rights
: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, New York, 1959.
This work discusses the women who began to lead the way for women’s rights, equality and justice.
Fisher Canfield, Dorothy,
A Fair world for Al
l: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. 1952
This work is about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and legal rights for all.
Fisher Marianne P.,
Women in the Third World
: Franklin Watts, New York.
The roles of women are discussed with regards to the family, education, marriage, motherhood, agriculture, industry, business, the professions, and politics.
Green, Rayna,
Women in American Indian Society
: Chelsea House Publishers, Philadelphia, 1992.’
In this book problems develop when people of different cultures come together. For the American Indians, the consequences of their interaction with different people were both productive and tragic. I recommend this book highly.
McKissack, Frederick & Patricia,
Sojourner Truth Ain’t I A Woman
, Scholastic, Inc., New York, 1992.
Meticulously researched, this book is a chronicle of not just one, but many courageous individuals battles against justice.
Peterson, Helen Stone,
Susan B. Anthony Pioneer in Women’s Rights
: Garrad Publishing Company, Champaign, Illinois, 1972.
Specific abilities, character and accomplishments are emphasized in this work.
Rooke, Patrick,
Women’s Rights
: Wayland Publishers, London, 1972.
This book contains information about the struggle for women’s rights.