Research Questions
How did women’s opportunities increase in the eighteen hundreds?
How and why did women finally win the right to vote?
If you were a woman in 1848 which injustice meted out to women would bother you the most?
In todays working world do women earn more money, less money, or money equal to that of men in some professions? Please elaborate as to why or why not.
Please complete the following sentence in an explanatory manner,
During the seventeen and eighteen hundreds men earned more money than women because . . .
In what year was the book by the famous abolitionist, Harriet Beecher Stowe, published?
How many years after African Americans were granted the right to vote, did these women earn their same right?
Which preceding event may have influenced Susan B.Anthony to vote although it was against the law? And,what kind of statement was she trying to make?
Critical Thinking & Comprehension
Read the facts about women’s suffrage below, and then give us your thoughts on these possible conclusions.
1. At the beginning of the women’s movement, women were expected to devote most of their time to home, family and church.
Men did most of the work and held most of the jobs because society’s view was that a woman’s place was in the home.
2. Two years after the end of World War 1, women earned the right to vote.
During World War 1, women filled many jobs previously held only by men, showing that they were capable of equal responsibility.
Essay Questions
In what ways did American education improve in the eighteen hundreds?
What progress did women make in the participation of the professional fields? Such as medicine, the arts and sciences., etc.
Make a list of the conditions and laws that made women second-class citizens in the 1840’s.
Then indicate how and when inequality was corrected.
What two types of women’s groups emerged in America during the 1960’s?
What is the double burden that most women carry?
How did the Civil Rights Act of 1963 and 1964 effect women?
Class Discussion
After students have completed essay questions and research work have a class discussion on comparing and contrasting women’s roles and status based upon past history and today, and include their opinions of the future as they see themselves.
Possible Films for Viewing:
One Woman, One Vote
Rosie The Riveter
from PBS The American Experience
Book Report
Have the students select a book from the suggested reading list, or perhaps in their research one that they would like to read, and write a report on their reading as well as their opinion on the subject matter.