Meet Addy
( This volume will be read by the whole class individually as each child will have his or her own copy.)
Vocabulary suggestions:
pallet ; frantic; bitterly, eerie, soothing, spurred
Vocabulary activity:
work in small groups having each group work with one word. They write several sentences to explain why the word is important to the story. Groups must relate their word to book’s plot, character’s, setting, and main idea.
Look at the title and cover. Look at the illustrations. Read the inside front cover. Read the
A Peek Into The Past
at the back of the book. In small groups answer the following set of questions. Present answers to the class while teacher records answers given on a chart to hang in the classroom while the book is being read. This way children can follow their preview discoveries and predictions.
1. What would you like to learn about the Civil War by reading about Addy’s life?
2. By looking at the pictures what do you think Addy’s life was like?
3. What can you tell me about the setting, problem, characters by looking at the pictures.?
4. After reading
A Peek Into The Past
write ten things you learned about slavery or African slaves during your reading. How do you feel about the things you chose to include in your list.
Critical Thinking Writing Activity After Reading
Chose one topic and write about your feelings.
1. Addy feels safe surrounded by her family. Write about a place where you feel safe. Tell what it is about this place that makes you feel as you do.
2. What is your opinion about whether or not Addy’s family should try escaping? Write why you have that opinion.
3. Choose something you find very disturbing or that gives you a very strong feeling about the situation or life of Addy and her family. Write about your feelings.
4. If you could talk to a slave owner what would you say to him?
The five other titles in the Addy Series will be read to the class at approximately one chapter each day. Discussions will follow each reading and daily writing activities will be taken from the results of the class discussions.
Addy Learns A Lesson Addy’s Surprise Happy Birthday Addy Addy Saves The Day
Changes For Addy
Whole Class Activity After Reading of All Six Books To Summarize Addy’s Experiences.
Teacher to hand each child an index card with one of Addy’s experiences written on it.
Each child is to illustrate and write one main idea sentence about the experience.
Having a prepared line already taped along the hallway outside of the room the children will stand with their card holding their illustration and card in the proper sequence of events. When this task has been accomplished students will tack up their work in the proper place on the timeline. The finished timeline will be a visible review and summary of the Civil War Era using Connie Porter’s fictional character, Addy,