This will be a book that is used for daily oral reading to the class after lunch.
This book will focus on character traits .
After completion of the reading with daily discussions focusing on the characters class to be divided into four groups.
List events in the story when Tabitha stayed true to her nickname and told the truth.
Describe a time when you told the truth even though you knew that it would be easier to lie about it.
Describe a time when you didn’t tell the truth but later wished you had.
How does Truth respond to Robert’s distrust of her? How would you have responded if you had been Truth?
Who is someone you trust? How has that person proven his/her trustworthiness?
Name three incidents in the book when a character showed courage. Why do you think as you do?
What do you wish you had the courage to do?
If the Bardwells lived today, how do you think they would respond to the violence on T.V.?
What can you do to promote peace in your classroom and neighborhood?
After each group has completed its work and written its responses neatly give each group a large piece of construction paper. Have the groups cut magazine pictures, words, letters, to illustrate their work. They should then arrange all their work and glue it onto the construction paper. These will be displayed in the classroom.