Lisa S. Alter
Teaching science is always easier when students can connect what they learn to their everyday lives. Long Island Sound is their backyard. Students go there in the summer to swim in its waters. For three seasons of the year, they fish and go boating in the Sound. Yet, they have all had their plans ruined due to beach closings, fishing limits, and storms such as Noreasters and hurricanes.
This unit is intended for either an eighth or ninth grade Earth Science class. It is also assumed that students have covered curriculum on the atmosphere, weather and global oceanology. An understanding of the relationships between the aforementioned topics is essential.
In addition, chart interpretation, graphing and data collection will be an integral part of this unit. I plan on beginning a data base that will be added on to yearly. CAPT and Mastery Test objectives will be included in this unit.
Most of my classes meet for a hour, four times a week, so the lesson plans are set up based on this, but they can easily be adjusted.
The culmination of this unit is a “Town Meeting,” involving all of my students. It is also set up as an interdisciplinary project between Science, Theater, Study Skills and Reading Lab classes. More information pertaining to the Town Meeting can be found in Introduction section prior to our four units.
In this unit I plan on exploring the past, present and future of Long Island Sound. Within this, I will be focusing in on Nonpoint Source Pollution, resulting from human impact within its watershed. Students will be examining its causes, impacts and cures through discussions, and hands-on activities and labs.
How important is Long Island Sound? The following is a list of “Sound “ fact which should help to answer that and many other questions:
Beaches, rivers and lakes are the number one vacation choices for Americans. (Update, 1996)
The average American spends 10 recreational days a year at the coast. (NOAA, 1994)
On average, the value of real estate along desirable increases by about 30%, as compared to similar inland properties. (NOAA, 1994)
Human activities have long focused on our coastline. For example; Native American fishing camps, and today’s harbors, marinas, homes, cities and suburbs. Today, there are thirty harbors in Connecticut. (Bell, 1985)
The U.S. coast supports 28 million jobs, which equals 34% of our work force. (NOAA, 1994)
The commercial fishing and shellfishing industry is worth $45 billion per year. (NOAA, 1994)
15 pounds of fish/ shellfish is consumed per person, each year. (NOAA, 1994)
The “Clean Water” technology industry generates sales exceeding $64 billion per year in the United States, and $170 billion per year abroad. (Update, 1996)