Lovelock, James
Ages of Gaia
NY. Norton Co. 1988
The book is mostly very readable and is essential for understanding one of the key and powertul concepts in contemporary ecology and environmental studies.
Myers, Norman
The Gaia Atlas of Future Worlds
Doubleday Press, NY 1990
To understand why the Gaia concept is so powerful and to realize its fullest implications, there is no book that I know that so clearly and concisely fills in the picture. You may find yourself profoundly changed by reading it.
Myers, Norman, Ed.
An Atlas of Planet Management
Doubleday, NY 1993
If you want a broad overview of the key environment issues troubling our planet and you want detailed summaries of data and solutions that are currently being attempted or seriously proposed, there is surely no better book currently on the market. From this unit’s point of view it is invaluable as well because it takes a Gaian point of view.
Dewey, John
Democracy and Education
NY, Macmillan 1916
One of the most influential books in education ever to have been written in the USA, still readable and as relevant as it was eighty years ago and as this unit suggests, peculiarly modern if his concept of the environment is given its contemporary meaning and significance.
Wargo, John
Our Children’s Toxic Legacy
New Haven, Yale 1996
The value of this book is that it gives an exampie of the complexity of issues when we try to see them holistically and try to translate them to workable solutions. It provides many practical ideas with no starry eyed simplicity as to their workability in the real world of politics and competing values. In my judgment it argues for the importance of taking the Gaia Hypothesis as the point of view for making social policy.