1. Students will read with comprehension.
2. Students will develop pre-writing strategies.
3. Students will compare and contrast.
4. Students will expand their vocabulary in Spanish.
Foreign Language Standards:
1.2 Students will share personal reactions to authentic literary texts.
2.0 Students will gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures.
4.0 Students will make comparisons among cultures to develop insight.
Anticipated time: This activity will take 2-3 days.
Scope and sequence
: This activity will take place after the introduction to the Taíno and before the map exercises.
1. Teacher will ask the students to define a myth in their own words.
2. Teacher will ask students to glimpse at the reading and jot down the words they think are Taíno words. (example:
3. Teacher will ask students if they are familiar with the myth of Atabei and Yocayú. One student writes on the board:
Lo que sabemos de Atabei y Yocayú
Lo que sabemos de la religión de los Taínos
4. Teacher asks class to read the myth silently.
5. After reading, the class is given a worksheet to write the names of the characters and the sequence of events.
6. Teacher asks comprehension questions.
7. Teacher asks students to retell the myth to the class.
Follow-through or homework:
Each day for homework the students will be assigned different creation myths from the Aztecs, Mayans, etc. The students will write a synopsis of each myth and their reaction to each myth, in their journals,to share in class.
At the end of the week, the students select any two myths to compare in a brief writing assignment.
The students will write their original myth, whether a creation myth, or a myth to explain a natural phenomenon, such as the sun, moon, fire, etc. .