Approximate time: 40 minutes
OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to
a) Review the features and characteristics of each planet.
b) To improve students writing and research skills as they prepare questions on the Trivia Cards.
Pen/colored pencil
Directions/Rules of the game
1. Divide students into teams of four players each. Shuffle cards before dealing.
2. Each team is given a set of 16 cards face down and a ruled sheet (Questions on cards must be prepared ahead of time.) The team with the most cards at the end of the playing time wins.
3. Set remaining cards aside.
4. Teams take turns asking questions of the opposing team. (Allow teams about 20-30 seconds to confer before giving an answer. Only one answer may be given.
5. The team that answers correctly gets to keep the card. If an incorrect answer is given, the correct answer is read and the question is placed in the "discard pile".
6. Play continues until all the teams use all sixteen cards. The team with the most cards, wins.
Interdisciplinary unit : Students will write creative essays and/or myths about different constellations.
Plan a Star Party and observe the night sky for planets and constellations.