1. Gaia (the global homeostatic mechanism that enables life to exist) is the ultimate 'organism'. It is the ultimate cell or 'space ship' of life. Since Gaia is threatened by the population explosion, there can be no winners, only losers in the Gaia crisis. Only international global cooperation will enable us to stabilize the climate, stop global warming and bring about the energy conversion projects and minimal human impact need to maintain a healthy global ecosystem.
2. Preservation of the functioning of Gaia should be the highest priority of the earth, not humans. We need a Gaia centric culture, not an anthropocentric world. There needs to be a sacralization of the natural world in which animals and all organisms value independent of the utility to humans.
3. The world needs Gaia justice. Human economic interests should be secondary to the rights of planetary ecosystems. Humans have to merge back into nature as part of a cooperative community.
4. Family planning alone can bring human population under control and responsible to Gaia. Holy books, religious authorities, moralities and appeals to human rights must take Gaia into account. As such, the adoption of contraceptives have to be viewed as sacral duties, not as threats to religion or morality.
5.Gaia nurtures life and this nurturing needs to be a model for culture as it too supports the existence of individual humans. Such a value may be called the feminization of culture. As the central Gaian value of nurture diffuses into common sensical decision making, status, power and economy, women will find their natural status and position in society, and, especially, power over their bodies.
6. The major corporate powers must include environmental cost and social costs into their estimates of profitability. There needs to be a Gaia bill of rights that protects the environment from exploitative destruction.
7. From the point of view of Gaia, nations do not exist. There is only a global village. From this perspective, 80% of the world's population cannot be allowed to consume 20% of the world's resources. Gaia justice demands equity becoming a global village.
8. The index of economic health cannot be G.N.P. if this is calculated, as it currently is, independently of loss of nonrenewable resources, debased soils, polluted water, damaging climate, extinction of species, and so forth. Gaia underpins any economy and must be preserved before an economy can be said to be rational. Gaian economics demands an end to consumerism as an end in itself.
9. The necessity of war for purposes of national security is redundant. Security only comes from respect for Gaia now that populations have reached such massive proportions. From the point of view of Gaia, our current political rationality behind arms spending is contradictory and currently a major cause of social and environmental crisis.
10.The concept of Gaia as the primary paradigm of common sense opens the closed world of national cultures to diverse, interdisciplinary, holistic approaches to religion, politics and science. It provides a framework from which to introduce values to technology that goes beyond compulsive consumption