Students will be doing a project on one aspect of Latino culture, as mentioned earlier. This will be one of the earlier activities for the project. Again they must present this information in front of the class. I will give the students at least 3 weeks to complete this project.
Objectives: Students will. . .
1. Utilize the Internet for research.
2. Locate information on different Latin/ Latin American food, fashion, music, artists, celebrations, holidays, etc. They will locate the information they chose to do their projects on.
3. Gather information to later synthesize for their oral presentations.
4. Document all sources properly, which they already know how to do.
Procedures: (in computer lab)
1. Students will use the following websites, but aren’t limited to them, to locate information on their project subject. links to other Latin websites covers most aspect of Latin American culture covers Latin literature, art, and music includes information on various Latin American aspects. Has lesson plans, photos, etc. has great Latin music selections
2. They will then take notes and/or print out anything relevant to their research.
3. They need to make sure they are properly documenting the website. They also have a checklist to make sure the website is factual and reliable.