World Book Encyclopedia. “Sound.” Volume 18, 1991 Edition. Scott Fetzer Company. 1960.
This section of the encyclopedia deals with sound. Included is the human Voice, animal sounds and musical sounds. Frequency and pitch, intensity and loudness and the speed of sound is explained.
Reuben, Gabriel H. What is Sound? Chicago: Benefic Press. 1960.
This book is part of the What Is series. Sound is explained using illustrations and drawings. The text is written to be easily understood by young readers.
Kettelkamp, Larry. The Magic of Sound. New York: William Morrow and Company. 1982.
This book explains why and how we hear as we do and describes some of the applications of sound in contemporary life. Easy reading for young readers.
Newman, Frederick R. Zounds. New York: Random House, 1983.
This book is a guide to sound making. Readers learn how their voice works and how it can be used to make many kinds of sound.
Broekel, Ray. Sound Experiments. Chicago: Childrens Press, 1983.
This is a book of simple sound experiments that can be conducted using household materials.