Math and Science Objectives Taught Using Sound and Music Concepts
Mary Elizabeth Jones
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1Apfel, R.E. Deaf Architects & Blind Acousticians? A Guide to the Principles of Sound Design. Apple Enterprises Press. Page 6.
2Rossing, T.D. The Science of Sound. Addison-Wesley, 1990. Page 90.
3Smith, Ballinger. Merrill-Physical Science. Waves, Light and Sound. McGraw Hill, 1993. Page 461.
4Rossing, T.D. The Science of Sound. Addison-Wesley, 1990. Page 86.
5Rossing, T.D. The Science of sound. Addison-Wesley, 1990. Page 41.
6Smith, Ballinger, Merrill-Physical Science. Waves. Light and Sound. McGraw Hill, 1993. Pages 463-467.
7Hunt, F.V. Origins in Acoustics. The Science of Sound. Yale University Press. Pages 9, 15, 21, 22, and 23.
8World Book Encyclopedia. Sound. 1991 Edition. Scott Fetzer Company, Page 605.