Lesson One
Poem: "Honey I Love" by Eloise Greenfield
Objectives: Students will…
-listen to a poem read to them by Wednesday Delight, (a classroom puppet.)
-participate in a shared reading of the poem.
-give a written response by completing a poem in class.
1. Wednesday Delight will assist by reading the poem, "Honey I Love."
2. The children will participate in a shared reading of the poem with
Wednesday Delight.
3. Questions for discussion: What does Eloise Greenfield love in the poem?
Do you love any of the same things? What are some of the things you love
that are not mentioned in the poem?
4. The children will write a poem about love. They will begin their poem with "I
love…" A list will follow about all of the things they love. The last line will end
with "But I really love…"
Lesson Two
No Mirrors in My Nana's House
by Ysaye Barnwell
Objectives: Student will…
-listen to a story read to them by Willie Sunday (a classroom puppet.)
-interact with a group discussion.
-complete a craft project.
-give a written response by completing a poem in class.
1. Willie Sunday will assist in reading,
No Mirrors in My Nana's House
2. Questions for discussion: Why doesn't the child in the story see all of the ugly
things in the apartment? What do you do when you see things that are not pretty?
What does the poet mean when she says that there are no mirrors in Nana's house?
Are there any mirrors in your house? Why? What would happen if you took all
of the mirrors down?
3. The children will make a rag doll. They will sew a doll from a simple cutout
(e.g. the cutout will look similar to a gingerbread man.) The class will stuff their
dolls with left over scraps and pieces of cotton binding. We will not put any eyes
on the dolls just as we saw the people in the pictures of
No Mirrors in My Nana's
4. The children will write a poem about their own surroundings. The poem will begin
with "Seeing through the eyes of…" (The children will insert their own names.) A
descriptive list will follow about things in their environment. The last line will end
with "Look deep in my eyes and see…" (The children will insert something special
that they love.)
Lesson Three
Poem: "Aunt Sue's Stories" by Langston Hughes
Objectives: Students will…
-listen to a poem by Wednesday Delight, (a classroom puppet.)
-participate in a shared reading of the poem.
-interact with a group discussion.
1. Wednesday Delight will assist by reading the poem, "Aunt Sue's stories.
2. The children will participate in a shared reading of the poem with Wednesday
3. Questions for discussion: Why do you think Langston Hughes called the songs
that the slaves were singing in the poem songs of sorrow? Why do you think the
slaves were in the shadows as Aunt Sue was telling the stories? Do your relatives
tell stories to you? What stories do they tell to you?
4. A story teller will be invited to the classroom.