I'm Building A Bridge of Bananas
By Jack Prelutsky
I'm building a bridge of bananas
it's pretty, but not very strong.
Bananas are not very sturdy,
bananas don't last very long.
Initially green, and then yellow,
increasingly speckled with brown,
inevitably, as they ripen,
it's clear that my bridge will fall down.
My bridge is developing fissures,
and even some sizeable gaps.
It's senseless to try and repair it,
I might as well let it collapse.
It waggles and sags in the middle,
It wobbles and droops at the end,
and so I've alerted by neighbors
as well as my family and friends.
They're trucking in freezers of ice cream
of every last flavor that's made,
plus whipped cream and chocolate syrup,
both of a premium grade.
They're bringing me barrels of walnuts,
and cherries without any pits -
we'll shortly be sharing delicious
gigantic banana bridge splits!
(figures available in print form)