Overview and Learning Objectives
The purpose of this lesson is to ensure that students have a clear understanding of the scope, purpose and procedures that constituted the United Nations humanitarian relief mission in Somalia.
Specific learning goals of the lesson:
The students will identify the key institutional and individual actors in the Somalia relief efforts.
The students will formulate a time-line of important events in the Somalia relief efforts.
The students will analyze the events and actions undertaken by the United Nations and the United States in Somalia.
The class begins with a discussion of the readings from Peterson, “Camp or Murderers”, pp. 71-92; “Bloody Monday”, pp.117-135.
Based upon this discussion, the class will work together to formulate a timeline of events and to identify the important individual and institutional players. These will be posted on the board. Using this information as background, the teacher will lead a discussion that analyzes the policies implemented by the United Nations in Somalia. Important questions to consider might be: What was the specific mandate of the U.N. military forces in Somalia? How well did they carryout their mandate? What was the specific mission of American forces? What was the nature and level of cooperation between the United Nations and the United States government in Somalia? What was the reaction of the Somali people to the U.N. relief mission? Why were certain Somali leaders opposed to the U.N. relief efforts?
Assigned student readings