I hope to pose and answer six questions in African-American military history:
1. How does African-American military history reflect both discrimination and the often heroic struggle to overcome discrimination?
2. Has the military been ahead or behind the rest of society as far as equal opportunity is concerned?
3. How accurate is the scholarship in this field?
4. What were the key periods of progress in African-American military history?
5. Who were the key figures in African-American military history?
6. What role did whites, particularly United States Presidents, play in African-American military history?
My plan is to begin with a brief discussion of my sources for this unit. A historical essay which addresses the first four questions will follow. The unit will answer the last two questions with ten one-page handouts titled as follows:
African-Americans and the Military: The Revolutionary War
African-Americans and the Military: The Civil War
African-Americans and the Military: World War One
African-Americans and the Military: World War Two
African-Americans and the Military: Vietnam and the Post-Vietnam Period
African-American Military Heroes: Clifford Alexander and Colin Powell
African-Americans and the Military: The Case of Henry Flipper
African-Americans and the Military: The 1906 Brownsville Riot and the 1917 Houston Shoot-out
African-American Military Heroes: Benjamin Davis, Sr., Benjamin Davis, Jr., and the Tuskegee Airmen
African-Americans and the Military: The Role of White Supporters