Brockett, Oscar.
History of the Theatre (Seventh Edition)
. Needham Heights, Massachusetts: Allyn & Bacon, 1995. A comprehensive history of the origins of world theater.
Gray, John.
Your Guide to the Alexander Technique
. London: Victor Gollancz, 1990. Devised by Mathias Alexander, his technique is used in theater classes around the world, and can help anyone improve posture and poise.
Manderino, Ned.
The Transpersonal Actor: Reinterpreting Stanislavski
. Los Angeles: Manderino Books, 1976. The author takes Constantin Stanislavski’s famous System to a higher level, from sensory awareness to consciousness awareness. A must-read for teacher’s of intermediate and advanced acting courses.
Schlusberg, Julian.
Lessons for the Stage: An Approach to Acting
. Hamden: Archon, 1994. Written in two parts, this comprehensive teacher’s guide provides a base curriculum for Acting I and II classes. It is extremely easy to use, and includes worksheets for students.
Spolin, Viola.
Improvisation for the Theater
. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1963. This is the remarkable book from which the
Game File
listed below grew.
Spolin, Viola.
Theater Game File
. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1989. An indispensable resource for any and all theater teachers. Ms. Spolin literally wrote the book on theater games, and went so far as to catalogue each game on a five-by-seven index card. A teacher needs to know nothing about theater to use this collection of theater games and exercises.