Topic: Policy and Practice in Current Educational Trends and Instructional Systems
Darling-Hammond, Linda, et al.
Authentic Assessment in Action: Studies of Schools and Students at Work
. New York: Teachers College Press, 1995. Studies of five New York secondary schools that use authentic assessment of student learning, requiring solutions to complex problems to test students’ knowledge, instead of relying on standard written testing.
Evers, Frederick, et al.
The Bases of Competence: Skills for Lifelong Learning and Employability
. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1998. A book about bridging the gap between the college campus and the workplace. The Resource appendix features a very useful questionnaire for students to rate their strengths in eighteen work skill competences.
Halvorsen Smith, Raynette, et al.
Perspectives on Teaching Theatre
. New York: Peter Lang, 2001. An extremely topical collection of essays written by teachers of theatre in higher education.
Harris, Roger, et al.
Competency-Based Education and Training: Between a Rock and a Whirlpool
. S. Melbourne, Australia: MacMillan, 1995. Chapter Two, “Historical and International Context,” offers an explanation of the global origins of competency-based education. Provides useful background information when considering the potential future of competency-based education.
Killen, Roy.
Teaching Strategies for Outcomes-Based Education
. Lansdowne, S. Africa: Juta, 2000. A superb book outlining six major teaching strategies, the expected critical outcomes from use of all six strategies, and definition of the roles of an educator.
United States. State of Connecticut.
Connecticut Academic Performance Test:
Test II: Reading for Information
Test III: Interdisciplinary Writing
. Department of Education: 2002. Excerpts from a mandatory test administered to all Connecticut high school sophomores.
Van Niekerk, Petro. “Values and Ideologies.” In
Contemporary Education: Global Issues and Trends
. Ed. Eleanor Lemmer. Sandton, S. Africa: Heinemann, 1999. 1-25. An investigation of the origins and impacts of pedagogics in South Africa.
Topic: Vocational Preparedness and Training
Adams, Frank, and Clarence W. Stephens.
A Student Job Classification Plan for Colleges and Universities
. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1972. A meticulous resource that classifies two hundred fifty jobs into five categories, with job descriptions and required candidate qualifications.
Gray, Kenneth and Edwin L. Herr.
Other Ways to Win: Creating Alternatives for High School Graduates
. Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press, 1995. Closely examines the impact and implications of the United States’ trend toward college preparatory education, and offers alternative educational goals.
Kroehnert, Gary.
100 Training Games
. Sydney, Australia: M
Graw-Hill, 1991. This and the two books below offer high-involvement games and training aids for developing individual and team skills.
Newstrom, John and Edward E. Scannell.
Games Trainers Play: Experiential Learning Exercises
. New York: M
Graw-Hill, 1980.
Nilson, Carolyn.
Team Games for Trainers
. New York: M
Graw-Hill, 1993.
Topic: Understanding that which we don’t have direct access to
Longinus on the Sublime
. Trans. H. L. Havell. London: M
Millan, 1890. An ancient Greek philosophical treatise that defines the notion of subliminal, and the five sources of the sublime. This and Thomas Reid’s book (listed below) provide insight into higher-order thinking and behavior.
Reid, Thomas.
Inquiry and Essays
. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing, 1983. A collection of essays that explore human development of intellectual powers, morality and belief systems, and creation of individuality.
Wilber, Ken.
No Boundary: Eastern and Western Approaches to Personal Growth
. Boston: Shambhala, 2001. A nuts-and-bolts approach to explaining human consciousness and the subconscious.