Belt, Don. “The World’s Great Lake”,
National Geographic
, June 1992. This is an excellent article on Lake Baikal. The article is packed full of interesting facts, fascinating photos and useful maps.
Buruma, Ian.
God’s Dust: A Modern Asian Journey
. New York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1989. An interesting travelogue that looks at the ever-changing politics and culture of Asia.
Butterfield, Fox.
China: Alive in the Bitter Sea
. New York: Bantam Books, 1983. A good historical and fairly modern look at China before the Tianamen Square tragedy.
Dong, Stella.
Shanghai: The Rise and Fall of a Decadent City
. New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 2000. An excellent reading on the history of one of China’s most fascinating cities.
Edwards, Mike. “Genghis,”
National Geographic
December 1996. This article gives an excellent background on the life and times of Genghis Khan while keeping one eye on modern Mongolia. Beautiful photos and useful maps adorn the article.
Edwards, Mike. “Siberia: In From the Cold,”
National Geographic
March 1990. An interesting look at Siberia and glasnost at the end of the 20th Century.
Jenson, Carsten.
I Have Seen the World Begin: Travels Through China, Cambodia and Vietnam
. A fascinating trip through Asia. New York: Harcourt, 1996
Lord, Bette Bao.
Legacies: A Chinese Mosaic
. New York: Fawcett Columbine, 1990.
Massie, Robert K.
Peter the Great; His Life and World
. New York: Ballentine Books, 1980. This Pulitzer prize winning biography is a very readable look at everything about the founder of St. Petersburg; Peter the Great.
Montaigne, Fen. “Russia’s Iron Road,”
National Geographic
, June 1998. This is an interesting article on the Trans-Siberian railroad. Photos and a map accompany the article making it a great source for this project.
Pasternak, Boris.
Dr. Zhivago
. New York: Signet Books, 1958. This is a classic Russian novel set in revolutionary Russia. The book was turned into an Academy Award winning movie which is used in the unit.
Theroux, Paul.
The Great Railway Bazaar: By Train Through Asia
. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1975. An excellent read on traveling through Asia by rail.
Theroux, Paul.
Riding the Iron Rooster
. New York: Ivy Books, 1988. An exciting look at travel on the Trans-Siberian railroad.
Thurbron, Colin.
In Siberia
. New York: Harper Collins Books, 1999. A fascinating look at travel in Siberia.