Allis, Marguerite.
Historic Connecticut.
(New York: Grossit &Dunlap, New York) 1934.
This Book has a wonderful description of how New haven looked and the the mansion of Theophilus Eaton. It also tells wonderful tale of Theophilis and his wife Anne who left him and returned to England.
Atwater, Edward.
History of the Colony of New Haven.
(New Haven: Printed for the author) 1881.
This is a wonderfully written report of the settlement of the New Haven colony. I would copy excerpts from this book for students to read and interpret.
Calder, Isabel MacBeth.
The New Haven Colony.
(New Haven: Yale University Press) 1934.
Wonderful details on the early settlement and surrounding settlements.
Cressy, David.
Coming Over Migration and communication between England and New England in the seventeenth century,
(New York:Cambridge University Press), 1987.
If you want the facts this is where you will find them. This book contains charts on the numbers of passengers and in what years. A wonderful source.
Hardin, Terri. Legends and Lore of the American Indians, (New York: Barnes and Noble Books) 1993.
A current and comprehensive resource for the history, customs, and legends of the Native Americans. Separated by areas and states.
Lambert, Edward.
History of the Colony of Connecticut,
(New Haven: Hitchcock & Stafford) 1838.
This is only available at the New Haven Colony Historical Society. It has the lists of settlers.
M'Clure, A.W.
The lives of John Wilson, John Norton, and John Davenport.
(Boston: Massachusetts Sabbath School Society) 1846.
This is a very old book from the Sterling Library. It was a good read about the life of John Davenport. It made him very human.
Miller, Perry.
The New England Mind the Seventh Century,
(Cambridge Massachusetts: Harvard University Press) 1954.
This is an incredibly thorough explanation of the Protestant religion; the philosophy, influences and how it impacted society.
Miller, Perry.
Errand into the Wilderness,
(Cambridge Massachusetts: The Belknap Press of Harvard University) 1956.
A better choice than the New England Mind to examine the distinctions of the Puritan and Protestant philosophy and theology.
Morgan, Edmund.
The Puritan Dilemma, The Story of John Winthrop
,(Boston: Little, Brown and Company) 1958.
This book is an invaluable source describing the early settlement of the Massachusetts Bay Colony and the conflicts. It is an easy read.
Morgan, Edmund.
The Puritan Family.
(New York: Harper & Row, Publishers) 1966.
This book tells of the relationships of the puritan family and society. An excellent book. One I will try to locate and buy. I got it from the Sterling Library.
Norton, Mary Beth.
Founding Mothers and Fathers.
(New York: Vintage Books Random House) 1997.
Osterweis, Rollin G.
Three Centuries of New Haven, 1638-1938.
(New Haven: Yale University Press) 1953.
Salisbury, Neal.
The Indians of New England, A Critical Bibliography.
Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 1982
This critical bibliography a wonderful resource to begin a study of Indian Tribes in New England.
Washburn, Wilcomb.
The Indian in America
. (New York: Harper and Row)1975.
This book provides a description of the Indian personality and the relationship with the white settlers. It was printed in 1975. It may not be easy to find I bought it in a used book store.
The New Haven Colonial Records- 1638-1649. The New Haven Colony Historical Society.
An invaluable source only available from the New Haven Colony Historical Society. It contains copies of the original contract with the Native Americans and the compact settlers made fourteen months after their arrival.