Activity: The Case of the Mysterious Occupants
We drink the same water that the dinosaurs drank, and future generations will drink that same water. That’s why it is our job to use water wisely and protect water supplies wherever and whenever possible. If we all save a small amount of water per day, we could save up to millions of gallons each year, collectively.
Water conservation can save on water and sewer fees. In addition, when you save on water, you save on fuel costs, as well. Even if you use well water, saving water lowers both electric costs and the waste load going into your septic system.
Two thirds of the water used in the average home is used in the bathroom, mostly for flushing the toilets, showers and baths.
Turn off the water when you are not using it
. Don’t let it run while you brush your teeth or shave.
Flush the toilet less often
. Put used tissues, trash, hair, paper towels, etc. in the wastebaskets instead of flushing them.
Fix leaks and drips
. This is often simply a matter of changing the washer.
Retrofit older plumbing fixtures with flow-reducing devices.
Take shorter showers
. Less than 5 minutes is sufficient.
Take baths
. A partially filled tub uses less water than a shower.
Kitchen and Laundry
Use appliances efficiently
. Run full loads in the dish or clothes washer.
Clean vegetables and fruit efficiently
. Use a brush for thorough cleaning.
Buy a water saver-select new appliances that are designed to minimize water use.
Keep a bottle of drinking water in the refrigerator
. Avoid running the tap to cool down water for drinking.
Use garbage disposals infrequently
. Start a compost heap or give leftovers to a dog, cat, horse, pig, etc.
Lawn and Garden
er the lawn and garden only when needed
. Early morning or evening are the best times. Let grass grow higher in dry weather. Mulch trees and plants. Avoid watering sidewalks and driveways.
Deep-soak lawn
. Allow the moisture to soak down to the roots. A light watering evaporates quickly.
Wash your car with sense
. Clean the car with a bucket of soapy water and use the hose only for a quick rinse.
Plant drought resistant trees and plants
. Many trees and plants thrive on less water.