Congratulations! You have just completed a study of two of the United States’ most important court cases and have begun your discovery of the incredible power of language. Authors make choices with words that influence readers. As we continue to study various authors and the choices they make with language, we will become more informed observers of life around us and our own writing will become much more sophisticated. Let’s use this assignment to practice our skills at analyzing the language of some very influential authors.
Directions: Choose the essay that most interests you. YOU WILL NEED TO READ IT AT LEAST 2 TIMES. BE PREPARED! To complete detailed assignments like this one, one reading is not enough to get a firm understanding of the material. When you watch a movie more than once, you see things that you missed the first time. The same concept applies to reading! After you have read your article AT LEAST 2 TIMES, complete the following.
- In a few sentences, explain what this article is primarily about:
- This is what I think the author’s purpose/intent is:
- In the chart below, choose 5 words or phrases that the author uses and explain how they are important to the author’s purposes.
Words/Phrases I chose… How it’s important to the author’s purpose…
- What does this author want from you as the reader? How do you know?
- What should you consider (think about, be aware of) BEFORE you start writing (Remember our discussions about purpose, nuance, connotation, etc. Why are these things important?)?