Content Standard 1.0: Reading
Demonstrate Strategic Reading Skills.
- Students will demonstrate strategic reading behaviors
before specific reading
- Establish a purpose for reading (gathering information, enjoying a literary experience, performing a task).
- Use prior knowledge to connect previous experience to material being read (e.g., KWL Charts).
- Preview selections and predict what will be included in them.
- Demonstrate confidence and view themselves as readers.
- Use the structure, organizational pattern and/or characteristics of text. (e.g., poetry, word problems, maps, rhymes, etc.).
- Students will demonstrate fluency through reading aloud.
- Students will demonstrate fluency through shared reading.
- Students will demonstrate fluency through guided reading.
- Students will demonstrate fluency through independent reading.
- Students will demonstrate comprehension through retelling.
Content Standard 2.0: Writing
Demonstrate Appropriate Writing Skills
- Students will demonstrate developmentally appropriate concepts and conventions of language. (e.g., word use and editing)
Content Standard 3.0: Speaking
Demonstrate Strategic Speaking Skills
- Students will demonstrate developmentally appropriate speech and grammar.
- Students will demonstrate developmentally appropriate language of social interaction skills.
- Students will demonstrate developmentally appropriate language and literacy skills.
- Students will demonstrate developmentally appropriate language and thinking skills.
- Students will reflect, use feedback and assessments, and conference to develop plans for improvement.
- Students will develop confidence and view self as an effective speaker.