Benson, Vicki.
The Power of Retelling.
New York: Wright Group publishing Inc, 2000. Vicki Benson has created an excellent resource that provides techniques to teach our students how to retell a story for comprehension. The techniques are adaptable for all grade levels.
Celce-Murcia, Marianne.
Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language.
Boston, Massachusetts, Heinle &Heinle, A Division of Thomson Learning, Inc, 2001. This text provides a theoretical background and practical applications you need to decide which materials, methods and resources can be used in the classroom.
Harrington, Margaret M. and Maria Brisk.
Literacy and Bilingualism: A Handbook for ALL Teachers.
New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 2000. This handbook is a great tool for teachers at all levels. It provides strategies for improving literacy for second language learners.
Norton, Donna, E.
Through the Eyes of a Child: An Introduction to Children’s Literature 5th Edition.
New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1999.
This is a great resource for selecting literature to read in your classroom. It provides a section on evaluating and selecting literature for children, traditional literature, fiction and nonfiction selections, multicultural literature, poetry, and historical fiction.
Pavelka, Patricia.
Creating Independent Learners.
New Hampshire: Crystal Springs Books. 1999. Patricia Pavelka focuses on building foundations that assist with motivating children to learn. This resource also gives ideas for language arts and home/school connections.