Bayless, Rich, Bayless, Deann Groen, Brownson, Jean Marie. Mexico, One Plate at A Time. Cookbook with colorful language.
Brooks, Eugene Clyde. "The Story of Corn and the Westward Migration" Rand McNally, undated.
Coe, Michael & Sophie. The True History of Chocolate. Thames and Hudson, 1996. A great complete history of chocolate.
Coe, Sophie. America's First Cuisines. University of Texas Press, 1994. informative story about Latino cuisine.
Long-Solis, Janet, Vargas, Luis Alberto. Food Culture in Mexico. Greenwood Press, 2005. A great read.
Perez, Marie E, Gonzalez. Puerto Rican in the United States, The New Americans.
Greenwood Press, 2000.
Pilcher, Jeffrey M. Que vivan los tamales! Food and the Making of Mexican Identity. University of New Mexico Press, 1998. An excellent source for understanding Mexican cuisine.
Von Brenzen, Anya. Fiesta, a Celebration of Latin Hospitality. Double Day, 1997. Wonderful stories and recipes.
Chocolat Mirimax
Elena (last name withheld) "Ixtapa Grille" Mexican Family Restaurant.
Additional Resources/Readings:
Esquivel Laura, "Like Water for Chocolate", book and film.
Lourdes Diaz, Eva de. "Cultural Aspects of Spanish in America", article.
Colle Marie Pierre, Rivera, Guadalupe, "Frida's Fiestas, Recipes and Reminiscences of Life, with Frida Kahlo. Clarkson Potter Publishers
Pollwn, Michael "Omnivores Vilemma, Pinedo Encarnacion "Encarnacio's Kitchen", University of California Press.
Keble , Anthony, Connell, Tim, "In Mexico", EMC publishing.
Sheeran, Joan G., McCarthy, Patrick J. "Exploring Spanish, 2nd Edition. EMC/Paradigm Publishing.
"Spanish is Fun" Book One, Amsco.