Initial materials given: plain and yellow paper, folders, fact sheet blanks for Mecca, China, London, and Tenochtitlan. These four sheets will be included in the journal.
Contents of student journal:
1 - Cover with four drawings, one representing each of the four major destinations.
2 - List of backpack contents.
3 - Entry: Life on a caravan (day 2)
4 - Map: Ibn Battuta's travels from Tunisia to Mecca (day 2)
5 - Entry: the Hajj in 1326 (day 4)
6 - Entry: What I learned about myself at Mecca (day 5)
7 - Map: Ibn Battuta's travels through China (Day 6)
8 - Entry: Write about traveling by sea (day 6)
9 - Entry: Write about life in China under foreign rule (day 7)
10 - Entry: Life in London during the plague (day 10)
11 - Color the map of Tenochtitlan so that it can be part of the journal (day 11)
12 - Entry: How are Aztec society and religion different from anything that you know?
(day 12)
13 - Entry: Life as a person living in Tenochtitlan. (day 13)
14 - Entry: Answer one of four questions about your travels (day 16)
Connecting to modern times
1 - Response to the film, Inside Mecca (day 3)
2 - Modern day China (day 8)
3 - Three important things learned from the Black Death film and readings (day 9)
4 - What do you think Mexico should and should not do in order to preserve the amazing
past of Mexico City? (day 14)
1 - Pretest, day one.
2 - Post test, day seventeen.
3 - Journal due, day eighteen.