This unit was designed to meet several standards of the New Haven Language Arts Curriculum for grades 5-8 and the Social Studies Curriculum for grade 7. Keeping in mind that BRAMS is an arts magnet school, care has also been taken to include art and architecture from the various destinations, and artwork is required as part of the travel journals.
Through completion of this unit, students will meet the following Language Arts objectives:
Standard 1.2: Students will demonstrate strategic reading skills before, during, and after specific reading tasks.
a.1 - Establish a purpose for reading.
a.2 - Use prior knowledge as an introduction to the selection.
b.4 - Use graphic organizers, outlines, and graphic aids.
c.1 - Construct meaning through initial understanding and interpretation.
c.3 - Identify important information, characters, settings, events, relationships, and
points of view.
c.4 - Select and use relevant information in order to summarize.
c.12 - Demonstrate an awareness of values, customs, ethics, and beliefs included in
a selection.
c.13 - Demonstrate comprehension through retelling.
Standard 1.4: Students will demonstrate the previously listed performance standards through a wide variety of reading experiences.
a. - Students will complete reading comprehension strategies that demonstrate critical thinking and responding skills.
b. - Students will demonstrate an appreciation for global cultures through visual,
written, auditory, musical, artistic, and technological modes.
In addition, this unit addresses many of the common performance standards for social studies. Through this unit, students will:
1 - Gather historical data from multiple primary and secondary sources.
2 - Explain causes and effects of various events.
3 -Write short narratives and statements presenting historical ideas.
4 - Demonstrate understanding through written, verbal, visual, musical, and/or
technological formats.
5 - Watch news shows and documentaries.
6 - Formulate questions and hypotheses from multiple perspectives, using multiple