Power content standard 1.1: The sun appears to move across the sky in the same way every day, but its path changes gradually over the seasons.
During the first third of the unit students will learn about and explore both the sun and Earth. In learning about the sun and how it unevenly heats the Earth we will cover both the rotation and revolution of the Earth.
Expected performances A 10: Describe the changes in the length and direction of shadows during the day. A 11: Describe the apparent movement of the sun across the sky during the day.
We will create a model of the sun and the Earth and using a flashlight will make observations of where the sun hits as the Earth rotates. We will repeat the process with making the model of the Earth evolve around the sun.
Expected performances A 17: Estimate, measure and compare the size and weight of different objects and organisms using standard and nonstandard measuring tools.
Throughout the unit students will be using the scientific process as a means for exploring the extreme weather examples. In doing so and keeping with scientific inquiry students will use various methods of measuring in collecting their data and making comparisons.